Associate Editor Guidelines

WestLand Publishers highly values its Editorial Board members as a crucial support system. We extend a warm invitation to Associate Editors who excel in their respective research fields, recognizing their vital role in upholding the rigorous standards of our peer-reviewed journals. If you're interested in the role of Associate Editor, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Roles and Responsibilities:
    1. Editorial Board Members bear the responsibility of publishing high-quality manuscripts received from authors on relevant subjects.
    2. Sustain initiatives to educate researchers and young scholars about ethical publication practices.
    3. Associate Editors have the flexibility to review submitted manuscripts based on their availability; in case of unavailability, they are encouraged to suggest alternative reviewers.
    4. It is imperative for Associate Editors to handle confidential data with care, seeking written consent when authors use information from real individuals in medical or scientific records.
    5. Verify the scientific facts presented in manuscripts and encourage open criticism for constructive improvement.
    6. Ensure the originality of published content through proper citation and acknowledgment of the original sources.
    7. Welcome and consider valuable suggestions from Editorial Board members to contribute to organizational progress.
  • Benefits:
    1. Associate Editors have the opportunity for promotions to the positions of Editors, Executive Editors, and Senior Editors based on active participation and accumulated experience.
    2. Exceptional contributions and efficiency may lead to serving as prominent members of the advisory board.
    3. Review comments provided by editors are closely followed, guiding authors to refine their manuscripts in accordance with the suggestions.
    4. WestLand journals view Editorials as a valuable source of guidance for young researchers and scholars, fostering mentorship and the dissemination of knowledge.


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