
Archives of Dairy and Veterinary Sciences (ADVS)


Aim and Scope: ADVS is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal. Our journal serves as a dedicated platform for researchers across a broad spectrum of veterinary sciences. We welcome contributions spanning various areas, including animal nutrition, veterinary physiology, animal pathology, disease diagnosis and management, veterinary medicine, and the study of animal behaviour, encompassing a wide range of species, from wildlife to domestic animals and avian species.

Our journal is open to a diverse range of article types, including research articles, case reports, comprehensive reviews, concise communications, commentaries, hypotheses, ethics reviews, debates, and letters to the editor. We encourage researchers to share their latest findings and novel ideas on our open-access platform, where there are no restrictions on article length. All submissions undergo rigorous plagiarism checks and are subject to peer review before publication.

Please submit your manuscript through or email it as an attachment to the Editorial Office at (note: Mention Journal name in the email)

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Dairy Science Veterinary Medicine Animal Health
Livestock Management Dairy Farming Dairy Products
Animal Nutrition Animal Genetics Veterinary Pharmacology
Dairy Technology Animal Welfare Veterinary Epidemiology
Milk Quality Dairy Microbiology Animal Diseases
Veterinary Surgery Animal Reproduction Dairy Industry
Veterinary Pathology Animal Husbandry Dairy Genetics
Veterinary Diagnostics Animal Behavior Dairy Processing
Veterinary Vaccines Animal Genetics and Breeding Dairy Nutrition
Veterinary Parasitology Animal Physiology Dairy Research
Veterinary Public Health Animal Production Dairy Management
Veterinary Anatomy Animal Biotechnology Dairy Technology Advances
Veterinary Clinical Medicine Animal Care Dairy Quality Control
Veterinary Radiology Animal Farm Management Dairy Farm Economics
Veterinary Zoonoses Animal Feed Dairy Sustainability
Veterinary Education Animal Genetics Research Dairy Processing Techniques
Veterinary Pharmacokinetics Animal Breeding Programs Cattle
Milk Production Livestock Health Nutrition
Genetics Farm Management Veterinary Services
Disease Prevention Surgery Reproduction
Industry Trends Breeding Programs Herd Health
Product Quality Microbial Safety Feed Management
Sustainability Practices Market Analysis Safety Protocols
Research Findings Clinical Services Economics of Farming
Genetic Improvement Veterinary Care

