
Digital Journal of Science (DJS)


Aim and Scope: Digital Journal of Science (DJS) is an esteemed open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the progression of knowledge across a wide spectrum of scientific and technological disciplines. Our journal focuses on publishing high-quality research that adds meaningful insights and fosters the sharing of innovative ideas.

We cover an extensive range of fields, including The Arts, Environmental Science, Earth Science, Pharmacy, Medicine, Agriculture, Anthropology, Sociology, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Educational Science, Communication Studies, Commerce, Social Sciences, Management, and Engineering …etc.

DJS serves as a vital platform for the publication of pioneering research and the facilitation of interdisciplinary conversations. We welcome submissions of diverse scholarly works, including original research articles, comprehensive review papers, conference summaries, and technical reports. Additionally, we are open to announcements related to book releases and other relevant academic news.

Our mission is to drive forward innovation and progress by providing a prominent venue for significant research contributions across various fields.

Please submit your manuscript through or email it as an attachment to the Editorial Office at (note: Mention Journal name in the email)

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Agriculture Chemistry Environmental Sciences
Earth Sciences Life Sciences Medical Sciences
Physical Sciences Mathematics and Statistics Adolescent Medicine
Anatomy Aquatic Biology Biological Sciences
Cancer Research Cardiovascular Research Endocrinology
Food Science and Technology Nutrition Genetics and Immunology
Health Sciences Infectious Diseases Neurology
Neurosciences Oncology Microbiology
Molecular Biology Social Science and Humanities Stem Cell Biology
Information Technology and Engineering Marketing Management Hydroponics
Anthropology Science Robotics Artificial Intelligence
History Forensic sciences Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Pharmacy Nursing Arts and Commerce
Management and Engineering Education and Awareness Literature  and Linguistics
Society Politics Veterinary Medicine
Economics Psychology Natural Philosophy
Armaments Health Care Public Infrastructure
Scientific Literature Virology Architecture
Epidemiology Hematology Energy Preservation
Forestry Botany Marine Science and Engineering
Toxicology Astronomy and Cosmology Biochemistry
Bioinformatics Biomaterials Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences Biophysics Biotechnology
Chemical and Structural Biology Computational Biology Computer Science
Diagnosis and Therapy Drug Delivery Electronic Devices
Genetic Engineering Interface Science Materials Science
Nanoscience and Technology Planetary Sciences Polymer Science
Properties of Matter Relational Biology Renewable Energy
Systems and Modeling Systems Biology

