
Digital Journal of Case Reports and Clinical Images(DJCRCI)


Aim and Scope: DJCRCI is an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed publication with a diverse and extensive focus. Our niche lies in publishing case reports that extend beyond conventional diagnoses and disease descriptions, exploring signs, symptoms, treatments, and the latest research findings. Our mission is to serve as a platform for healthcare professionals, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, facilitating the dissemination of comprehensive research and critical insights into novel disease findings and syndromes.

In today's rapidly evolving medical landscape, case studies hold a special place in the eyes of investigators. Each case report provides profound insights into diagnostic and treatment methods. We are dedicated to showcasing authentic, ethically sound case series and reports, appealing to a global audience of researchers, surgeons, trainees across various surgical specialties, and clinicians in allied fields.

Join us on a journey of exploration and discovery as we navigate the ever-changing world of surgical innovations and case studies that are instrumental in shaping the future of medicine. We wholeheartedly invite contributions that enrich the medical community's knowledge and push the boundaries of medical science.

Please submit your manuscript through or email it as an attachment to the Editorial Office at (note: Mention Journal name in the email)

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Case Reports Clinical Cases Medical Cases
Patient Cases Healthcare Cases Rare Cases
Unusual Cases Challenging Cases Diagnostic Cases
Treatment Cases Clinical Observations Therapeutic Approaches
Patient Management Disease Management Differential Diagnosis
Interventional Cases Clinical Experiences Case-Based Learning
Case Presentations Case Analysis Case Discussions
Medical History Treatment Outcomes Lessons Learned
Diagnostic Challenges Surgical Cases Pediatrics Cases
Cardiology Cases Neurology Cases Oncology Cases
Gynecology Cases Orthopedic Cases Dermatology Cases
Psychiatry Cases Ophthalmology Cases Radiology Cases
Infectious Disease Cases Allergy and Immunology Cases Urology Cases
Hematology Cases Nephrology Cases Gastroenterology Cases
Pulmonology Cases Endocrinology Cases Rheumatology Cases
Anesthesia Cases Emergency Medicine Cases Pediatric Surgery Cases
Plastic Surgery Cases Dental Cases ENT Cases
Geriatric Cases Rare Disease Cases Genetic Disorder Cases
Cardiac Surgery Cases Obstetrics Cases Neurosurgery Cases
Interventional Radiology Cases Transplantation Cases Critical Care Cases
Neonatology Cases Palliative Care Cases Oncology Surgery Cases
Reproductive Medicine Cases Dental Implant Cases Maxillofacial Surgery Cases
Forensic Medicine Cases Trauma Surgery Cases Otolaryngology Cases
Pediatric Dentistry Cases Veterinary Medicine Cases Nursing Case Reports
Pharmacy Cases Rehabilitation Cases Psychotherapy Cases
Telemedicine Cases Telehealth Cases Teleconsultation Cases
Telepsychiatry Cases Teleophthalmology Cases Teledermatology Cases
Telestroke Cases Teleoncology Cases Telecardiology Cases
Teleorthopedics Cases Telesurgery Cases Telemonitoring Cases
Tele-Rehabilitation Cases Telepharmacy Cases

